PHP Training in Coimbatore
PHP training in Coimbatore provided by best training institute in Coimbatore with 100% real-time, practical and placement. We provide PHP training in both classroom training and online training in weekdays class and weekend classes in Coimbatore. We train PHP course for students, Part timer, working employees and corporate training in both regular and fast tract PHP class in Coimbatore. We are the best PHP training institute in Coimbatore. Training in Coimbatore provides PHP training with real-time working professional which will help students and trainees to get trained in practical real-time scenarios along with theory.PHP training will definitely help you to complete certification and clearing interviews. Our PHP training focuses on giving students basic to advanced level. Our team of trainers is Technical Architects and Project Leads working in MNC's and will help in real time PHP projects.
PHP Course In Coimbatore
Training in Coimbatore provides PHP Training in flexible timings. We also provide fast track, online and corporate PHP training.PHP Syllabus covered by training in Coimbatore is full of practical examples which will help students and trainees to land up in jobs. We cover What is PHP?, Embedding PHP code on a page, Inserting code comments, String functions, Numbers part two: Floating points etc with live examples..
PHP Training Syllabus in Coimbatore
Introduction of Web & PHP
- What is PHP?
- The history of PHP
- Why choose PHP?
- Installation overview
First Steps
- Embedding PHP code on a page
- Outputting dynamic text
- The operational trail
- Inserting code comments
Exploring Data Types
- Variables
- Strings
- String functions
- Numbers part one: Integers
- Numbers part two: Floating points
- Arrays
- Associative arrays
- Array functions
- Booleans
- NULL and empty
- Type juggling and casting
- Constants
Control Structures: Logical Expressions
- If statements
- Else and elseif statements
- Logical operators
- Switch statements
Control Structures: Loops
- While loops
- For loops
- Foreach loops
- Continue
- Break
- Understanding array pointers
User-Defined Functions
- Defining functions
- Function arguments
- Returning values from a function
- Multiple return values
- Scope and global variables
- Setting default argument values
- Common problems
- Warnings and errors
- Debugging and troubleshooting
Building Web Pages with PHP
- Links and URLs
- Using GET values
- Encoding GET values
- Encoding for HTML
- Including and requiring files
- Modifying headers
- Page redirection
- Output buffering
Working with Forms and Form Data
- Building forms
- Detecting form submissions
- Single-page form processing
- Validating form values
- Problems with validation logic
- Displaying validation errors
- Custom validation functions
- Single-page form with validations
Working with Cookies and Sessions
- Working with cookies
- Setting cookie values
- Reading cookie values
- Unsetting cookie values
- Working with sessions
MySQL Basics
- MySQL introduction
- Creating a database
- Creating a database table
- Populating a MySQL database
- Relational database tables
- Populating the relational table
Using PHP to Access MySQL
- Database APIs in PHP
- Connecting to MySQL with PHP
- Retrieving data from MySQL
- Working with retrieved data
- Creating records with PHP
- Updating and deleting records with PHP
- SQL injection
- Escaping strings for MySQL
- Introducing prepared statements
Building a Content Management System (CMS)
- Blueprinting the application
- Building the CMS database
- Establishing your work area
- Creating and styling the first page
- Making page assets reusable
- Connecting the application to the database
Using Site Navigation to Choose Content
- Adding pages to the navigation subjects
- Refactoring the navigation
- Selecting pages from the navigation
- Highlighting the current page
- Moving the navigation to a function
Application CRUD
- Finding a subject in the database
- Refactoring the page selection
- Creating a new subject form
- Processing form values and adding subjects
- Passing data in the session
- Validating form values
- Creating an edit subject form
- Using single-page submission
- Deleting a subject
- Cleaning up
- Assignment: Pages CRUD
- Assignment results: Pages CRUD
Building the Public Area
- The public appearance
- Using a context for conditional code
- Adding a default subject behaviour
- The public content area
- Protecting page visibility
Regulating Page Access
- User authentication overview
- Admin CRUD
- Encrypting passwords
- Salting passwords
- Adding password encryption to CMS
- New PHP password functions
- Creating a login system
- Checking for authorization
- Creating a logout page
Advanced PHP Techniques
- Using variable variables
- Applying more array functions
- Building dates and times: Epoch/Unix
- Formatting dates and times: Strings and SQL
- Setting server and request variables
- Establishing global and static variable scope
- Making a reference assignment
- Using references as function arguments
- Using references as function return values
Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming (OOP)
- Introducing the concept and basics of OOP
- Defining classes
- Defining class methods
- Instantiating a class
- Referencing an instance
- Defining class properties
OOP in Practice
- Understanding class inheritance
- Setting access modifiers
- Using setters and getters
- Working with the static modifier
- Reviewing the scope resolution operator
- Referencing the Parent class
- Using constructors and destructors
- Cloning objects
- Comparing objects
Working with Files and Directories
- File system basics
- Understanding file permissions
- Setting file permissions
- PHP permissions
- Accessing files
- Writing to files
- Deleting files
- Moving the file pointer
- Reading files
- Examining file details
- Working with directories
- Viewing directory content
Sending Emails
- Configuring PHP for email
- Sending email with mail()
- Using headers
- Reviewing SMTP
- Using PHPMailer
PHP trainer Profile & Placement
Our PHP/MySQL Trainers
- More than 10 Years of experience in PHP Technologies
- Has worked on multiple realtime PHP projects
- Working in a top MNC company in Coimbatore
- Trained 2000+ Students so far.
- Strong Theoretical & Practical Knowledge
- PHP Zend certified Professionals
PHP Placement Training in Coimbatore
- More than 2000+ students Trained
- 92% percent Placement Record
- 1000+ Interviews Organized
PHP training Locations in Coimbatore
Our PHP/MySQL Training centers
Any located areas
100 Feet Road, Avinashi Road, Ram Nagar, Koundampalayam, Kovipudur, Peelamedu,gandhipuram, Ramanathapuram, Vadavalli, RS Puram, Sai baba Colony, Saravanampatti, Shivandhapuram, Singanallur, sulur, Tatabad, Thudiyalur, Town Hall, Upplilipalayam
Intellimindz Saravanampatti branch is just few kilometre away from your location. If you need the best training in Coimbatore, driving a couple of extra kilometres is worth it!
PHP training batch size in Coimbatore
Regular Batch ( Morning, Day time & Evening)
- Seats Available : 8 (maximum)
Weekend Training Batch( Saturday, Sunday & Holidays)
- Seats Available : 8 (maximum)
Fast Track batch
- Seats Available : 5 (maximum)